Gift Baskets
Gift-Baskets by your local florist. We’ve created the perfect combinations of flowers/plants paired with gifts to express your joy, thoughtfulness, and more; all to celebrate the special moments in your life!
January Hours:
Closed: the 1st-2nd; 6th-9th; 13th-16th; and 20th-23rd (Mondays to Thursday)
Open: 3rd-5th; 10th-12th; and 17th-19th (Friday to Sunday)
Returning to our regular hours as of the 24th, open everyday 10am to 6pm. You can still place an order any day and all deliveries will go out Friday, Saturday, or Sunday
Closed: the 1st-2nd; 6th-9th; 13th-16th; and 20th-23rd (Mondays to Thursday)
Open: 3rd-5th; 10th-12th; and 17th-19th (Friday to Sunday)
Returning to our regular hours as of the 24th, open everyday 10am to 6pm. You can still place an order any day and all deliveries will go out Friday, Saturday, or Sunday
Showing all 4 results
Citrina’s Sweet Sunday
$65.00 Add to cart -
Matinée Parfaite
$82.50 Add to cart -
Pleasant Priscilla
$65.00 Add to cart -
Tracy’s Terrace
$155.00 Add to cart
Showing all 4 results