We’re a Montreal florist delivering beautiful unique floral designs in and around the Island of Montreal. My team & I design with fresh quality flowers to offer stunning arrangements perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, and other celebrations; as well as arrangements to express apology, get well wishes, and sympathies.
Using the best of the seasonal flowers we’ll design and deliver your flowers on the selected date. Choose from any of our add-ons such as Ferrero chocolates, Montreal artisanal soaps, & candle gift sets, for that finishing touch. Order before 4pm for same day delivery.
Princess Diana$155.00 – $275.00 Taxes already included
Florist’s Choice 75$+$75.00 Taxes already included
Du Jardin$100.00 – $200.00 Taxes already included
Hermes$166.00 – $304.00 Taxes already included
Tracy’s Terrace$155.00 Taxes already included
Thinking of You$75.00 – $155.00 Taxes already included
Pleasant Priscilla$65.00 Taxes already included
Creamy Dreamy$100.00 – $200.00 Taxes already included
Just Peachy$80.00 – $180.00 Taxes already included
Hera$110.00 – $262.00 Taxes already included
Lily’s Flowers$115.00 – $255.00 Taxes already included
Casanova’s Grand Gesture$375.00 Taxes already included
Yellow Leaf Soap x2$22.00 Taxes already included
Aroma Gift Set$35.00 Taxes already included
Chocolates$14.00 Taxes already included